Friday, August 15, 2008


I've finally come to a decision. Its not one I like but I do believe it is for the best at this time. I had hoped to start at Colorado Technical University in North Kansas City in January, but the funds are not available to me at this time. So, my decision is to continue working and saving money and to re-apply at St. John's, in St. Louis, for next year. I feel like I'm wasting a year of my life waiting around, but I can't afford to go to the school that accepted me. I would appreciate all of your prayers as I try to find and follow God's plan for my life.

1 comment:

Dr. Woods said...


Hi! I hope you are doing well. We miss you hear at Kansas City College and Bible School. I know that God will continue to lead you as you follow in His will. Remember: Never consider a year wasted when you know you are doing God's will. He has something for you that you have not yet come to see.

Have you checked out our new online program yet?

Dr. Woods